July 14, 2018 @ 5:30 pm

The use of colored troops in the American Civil War at first was not a sure thing though it was a personal fight for freedom and the full rights of citizenship for freemen and slaves. The stance of the government and its military officers continuously evolved as emancipation became, at first, a means to win the war, but later a moral imperative and a war aim. This program, told from the first-person perspective, portrays Larry Werline as General Grant; and Robert Davis as Sgt. Andrew Lewis of the 29th USCT.

General Grant will give the government and military’s views of the use of colored troops. Sgt. Andrew Lewis will present the perspective of the abolitionist and black troops in the field. Grant found the colored troops made good soldiers and their performance in numbers was a main reason that he ran for President. He wanted to ensure their rights that were won on the battlefield. The newly enlisted black soldier found new self- respect by wearing the blue uniform and translated that into an opportunity to prove himself on the battlefield in his quest for freedom and the rights of citizenship in the United States for himself, his family and his race. More information may be found in the press release for the event.

Please register on the IllinoisTimesTix website https://illinoistimestix.com/events/a-conversation-between-general-grant-and-a-civil-war-soldier